
Product Details
We offer a variety of wood bi-product to satisfy our customer's needs.
At South Bruce Flooring, we do it all! Being as we go from tree to finished product we have truckloads of mulch available to you.
Drop by with your trailer during business hours to pick up your mulch or wood chips.
Our current prices for mulch are:
Natural Organic Mulch = $75.00 (+HST) per pay loader scoop
Natural Woodchips = $110.00 (+HST) per pay loader scoop
Coloured Mulch = $225.00 (+HST) per pay loader scoop
Note: 1 pay loader scoop has 3 cubic yards in it. 1 pay loader scoop will fit in the back of a standard pick up truck.
We also offer Sawdust, Shavings and Wood Chips for agricultural and landscaping uses.
For more information please give us a call at 519-367-3215.
Would you like to learn more?
Get in touch with us today for more product details and purchasing.